23/07 21:08 Conorsou : Snooze, it's his time of the month
23/07 21:08 JingleHell : snooze, he started it
23/07 21:08 Conorsou : nuh huh!
23/07 21:08 JingleHell : I was just minding my own business, as always
23/07 21:08 DarkFizo : xD
23/07 21:08 Snooze : i dont give shit!
23/07 21:08 JingleHell : and conor started making fun of texans!!
23/07 21:08 Snooze :
23/07 21:08 DarkFizo : "nuh huh!" xD
23/07 21:08 JingleHell : so i put mashed potatos in his hair
23/07 21:09 JingleHell : and he started crying
23/07 21:09 Snooze : so fizo
23/07 21:09 Conorsou : there was something in my eye!
23/07 21:09 JingleHell : right mr fizzikins?
23/07 21:09 Snooze : how you doin
23/07 21:09 DarkFizo : Snooze! Remember is the only TRUE way! :D
23/07 21:10 Snooze : hehe, you got it fiz
23/07 21:10 JingleHell : oh, Fizo isn't innocent in all this, snooze
23/07 21:10 DarkFizo : You could finnaly have look at my music, Snooze. :P
23/07 21:10 JingleHell : he's just on a close enough continent to be scared of you
23/07 21:10 Snooze : uh oh
23/07 21:10 DarkFizo : I'm always innocent.
23/07 21:10 JingleHell : Riiiight, Fizo
23/07 21:10 Snooze : show me that music then
23/07 21:11 JingleHell : I can disprove that with the result of one word.
23/07 21:11 Snooze : i cant deal with your bickering
23/07 21:11 JingleHell : Predator
23/07 21:11 JingleHell : who's bickering, snooze?
23/07 21:11 Conorsou : ...
23/07 21:11 DarkFizo : They shall all die!
23/07 21:12 JingleHell : We were having a rational adults and conor conversation about the weather until you showed up
23/07 21:12 DarkFizo : Musi is at forum already. Posted in "Some of my music ^_^" Just click frist link.
23/07 21:12 JingleHell : and I STILL demand evidence of this "mean" claim
23/07 21:12 Snooze : ok, cruisin forums
23/07 21:12 Snooze : (sigh)
23/07 21:13 Conorsou : and then jingle got all hormonal
23/07 21:13 JingleHell : yeah, testosterone IS a hormone, conor
23/07 21:13 DarkFizo :
http://www.wolfpackclan.com/modules/n ... 899-some-of-my-music.html here you go, Snooze
23/07 21:13 JingleHell : you'll learn about it in 9 or 10 years
23/07 21:13 JingleHell : when you hit puberty
23/07 21:14 JingleHell :
23/07 21:14 JingleHell : brb, gona have a cig and give conor time to dream up a comeback
23/07 21:14 Conorsou : you're ....
23/07 21:14 DarkFizo : Jingle, Conor. I have one question: How this started? Both versions please. :)
23/07 21:15 Conorsou : I said hi, and he got all hormonal on me calling me potato
23/07 21:15 DarkFizo : Riiiight... Now we'll se Jingle's version. :)
23/07 21:15 DarkFizo : (i was asking about the very beginnig)
23/07 21:16 Conorsou : he'll be back in a min fizo, he's gettin a tampon
23/07 21:16 Conorsou : OH SNAP
The history of Hydro....thanks to Hemi :D